“Gung Ho” on Top of Iwo-Jima

raising-the-flag-on-iwo-jima-february-23-1945-joe-rosenthal-602x742-1The photo of the flag-raising on Iwo-Jima and what it can teach entrepreneurs.

Even though it is a black and white photo that is 70 years old today, it still inspires me
on my entrepreneurial journey?


Three reasons: Unity of purpose, teamwork in execution, giving one’s best wherever assigned.

1. The U.S. Marines and one Navy corpsman are united in their purpose: they want to raise the flag and let the Americans below know that the island is now under the authority of the U.S. military.

Flags are national symbols, a flag on top of a mountain symbolizes who “owns” the island. For an entrepreneur, they need to decide on an image that represents their start-up in order to inspire unity of purpose in the minds of its employees.

2. It is clear from the photo that they did not stop at the idea / inspiration stage, they took action to execute the vision. They grabbed a pole and made it serve as a makeshift flag pole. They laid hands on it and stood it up where everyone could see it. All plans eventually lead to someone having to do some work.

3. These individuals, faceless at the time of execution, had fought and climbed their way to the top of Mount Suribachi. Inter-service jesting between the Navy and Marines gave way in the midst of an important and dangerous task. They literal stood in harm’s way and gave it everything they had.

And we as a nation, many years later, are still in debt to them for their heroic action.

Semper Fi!

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Photo Credit: Photographic File of the Department of Navy. Joe Rosenthal, photographer

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1 Response to “Gung Ho” on Top of Iwo-Jima

  1. Ved Sharma says:

    Very well said. Always a pleasure to read your posts. Thanks.

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